Tanzania Kili Sun Natural

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Bag Weight 60 KG BAG
Harvest Season 2024/25
Status Spot
Lot Number P8002655-2
  • 10 Bag(s)
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About This Coffee

This natural lot is from Kilimanjaro Estate on the southern slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. The estate has a total area of 663ha, making it one of the largest in northern Tanzania. Of these, 565ha are planted with coffee while the remaining 98ha are kept as preserved natural forest. 

Origin Tanzania
Subregion Arusha, Northern Tanzania
Harvest Season 2024/25
Producer Type Single Estate
Farm Name Kochoni farm, Kilimanjaro Plantation Ltd.
Processing Washed
Processing Description Fully Washed and dried on raised African beds
Growing Altitude 1050m - 1400m
Plant Species Arabica
Variety Batian, KP423, N39
Coffee Grade TZA CA NAT FAQ
Screen Size 18 Up
Bag Weight 60 KG BAG
Bag Types Grain Pro / Ecotact

Social and Sustainability

Through its Community and Economic Development branch, Kilimajaro Plantations Ltd. (KPL) allocates at least $17,000 annually to projects, divided into three main areas: the CSR Fund ($8,500) for environmental and social needs, the Education Fund ($6000) for sponsoring local youth in vocational, diploma, and degree programs, and the Development Fund ($2,500) for Rural Community Societies to support their communities.

The estate has planted more than 10,000 indiginous shade trees across the plantation to protect the soil and coffee plants from the East African sun. They are also instrumental in helping stablize the micro-climate and fight against deforestation in the region. The entire farm is equipped with a drip-line irrigation system which provides constant water and nutrient uptake for every single coffee tree throughout the year. This drip-line irrigation reduces water consumption by 60%.

History of Coffee in Tanzania

Like other coffee growing regions in East Africa, it seems likely that coffee may have been known as a garden crop grown for barter and consumption (chewing rather than brewing) as early as the 16th century. German occupiers introduced commercial cultivation of at the end of the 19th century and coffee became an exported cash crop. Following WWI, the British took control of the region and the estate model was firmly established for coffee. During the transition years from British “protection” to independence, coffee farming cooperative began to emerge and would eventually dominate coffee production after formal independence in 1961. Today, 95% of coffee farmers are smallholders, growing coffee on less than 5 acres of land.

  • Subregion Arusha, Northern Tanzania
  • Farm Name Kochoni farm, Kilimanjaro Plantation Ltd.
  • Producer Type Single Estate
  • Processing Washed
  • Processing Description Fully Washed and dried on raised African beds
  • Bag Types Grain Pro / Ecotact
  • Plant Species Arabica
  • Variety Batian, KP423, N39
  • Min Growing Altitude 1050m
  • Max Growing Altitude 1400m
  • Screen Size 18 Up
  • On Sale No
  • Top Lot No
  • Price Per Kg £8.50
  • Status Spot
  • Coffee Grade TZA CA NAT FAQ
  • CTRM Contract Number P8002655-2
  • Origin Tanzania
  • Warehouse Vollers Group Uk