Kenya AB Karii

Blackberry, apple, red wine, vanilla
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Bag Weight 60 KG BAG
Harvest Season 2024/25
Status Spot
Lot Number P8002448-1
  • 14 Bag(s)
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About This Coffee

Karii wetmill is part of Mutira Farmers’ Cooperative Society Limited. The mill sits on the border between two famous coffee regions: Kirinyaga and Nyeri, and works with around 600 smallholder farmers. Karii was built in 1984 and is around 70 miles from Nairobi near Kerugoya town and the Rundu river is the water source used for washed coffee processing.

Origin Kenya
Subregion Kirinyaga county, Central Highlands
Harvest Season 2024/25
Producer Type Washing Station
Wet Mill Karii
Co-Op Mutira Farmers' Co-operative Society Ltd.
Processing Washed
Growing Altitude 1600m - 1800m
Plant Species Arabica
Variety Batian, Ruiru 11, SL28, SL34
Coffee Grade KEN CA WA AB TOP
Screen Size 15 Up
Bag Weight 60 KG BAG
Bag Types Grain Pro / Ecotact

The Region

Kirinyaga, in Central Kenya, is home to Mt. Kenya. It is forested with a wealth of exotic wildlife receiving 50 inches of rain per year. Many rivers run through the region and the soil is rich and volcanic, providing smallholders and cooperatives with the resources to grow and process some of Kenya's most fruit-forward coffees. More farmers there are using shade trees to combat climate change.

Kirinyaga county borders Nyeri, lying between the Eastern base of the Aberdare (Nyandarua) Range, which forms part of the Eastern end of the Great Rift Valley, and the Western slopes of Mt. Kenya.

The combination of fertile soil, seasonal rainfall and high altitude provide the ideal climate for coffees characterised by high acidity, full body and ripe fruit flavours. Due to the cool temperatures at altitude, particularly at night time, coffees from Kenya's central highlands tend develop and mature slowly producing very dense, hard beans high in acidity and complexity.

The Process

The coffee cherries are hand sorted for unripes and overripes by the farmers before they go into production. The pulp is removed and the coffee is fermented for 24-36 hour under close shade depending on climate temperatures. After fermentation the coffees are washed and again graded by density in washing channels. They are then taken to the drying tables where they will be sun dried on African drying beds for 12 to 20 days (this time depends on weather conditions). Coffees are covered in plastic during midday and at night to protect the beans from night moisture and rains.


  • Subregion Kirinyaga county, Central Highlands
  • Producer Type Washing Station
  • Wet Mill Karii
  • Processing Washed
  • Bag Types Grain Pro / Ecotact
  • Plant Species Arabica
  • Variety Batian, Ruiru 11, SL28, SL34
  • Min Growing Altitude 1600m
  • Max Growing Altitude 1800m
  • Screen Size 15 Up
  • Co-Op Mutira Farmers' Co-operative Society Ltd.
  • On Sale No
  • Top Lot No
  • Price Per Kg £9.25
  • Status Spot
  • Coffee Grade KEN CA WA AB TOP
  • CTRM Contract Number P8002448-1
  • Origin Kenya
  • Warehouse Vollers Group Uk