Honduras Elvin Castillo Honey
About This Coffee

The Region
Finca El Matazano is located at 1,500masl in El Matazano community.
The community of El Matazano belongs to the Montecillos region which stands out for its high quality coffees. This community is of Lenca ethnicity and its inhabitants are known as both friendly and helpful.
The Process
Cherries are selectively harvested at the point of peak maturation. These cherries are then de-pulped and sun-dried in thick layers on a patio on a blanket or Zaran. The coffee is constantly turned by a person to achieve uniform drying for an average of 12 days.

History of Coffee in Honduras
Prior to 1900, coffee was essentially a garden crop in Honduras, grown on small lots of land and traded within the country for internal consumption. Less than 10 percent of the coffee harvested was exported in 1894. By 1900, exports had more than doubled, but banana was still king. A decline in banana production over the decades coincided with a slow but steady growth in coffee production. Today, Honduras is the largest coffee producer in Central America, exporting more than 5 million bags last year, and is one of the largest exporters of specialty grade coffee.
Honduras is somewhat unique in that it experienced the most significant growth in export volume after the emergence of the specialty coffee industry, so new farmers and new mills begin with quality as their goal. Coffee is now pervasive in Honduras, grown in 210 of the 298 municipalities and throughout central and coastal highlands within six districts identified as Coffee Regions. Starting in the north and moving south, the regions are Copan, Opalaca, Montecillos, Comayagua, El Paraiso, and Agalta. More than 60% of Honduras coffee is grown above 1200masl and as high as 1600masl.
- Subregion Montecillos
- Farm Name Finca El Matazano
- Producer Type Single Estate
- Processing Honey Processed
- Bag Types Grain Pro / Ecotact
- Plant Species Arabica
- Variety Catimor, Lempira
- Min Growing Altitude 1500m
- Screen Size 15 Up
- On Sale No
- Top Lot No
- Price Per Kg £9.95
- Status Spot
- Coffee Grade HND CA WA SHG MAR
- CTRM Contract Number P8002432-4
- Origin Honduras
- Warehouse Vollers Group Uk