Ethiopia Sali Abafogi Limu G1 Natural

Lychee, cucumber, watermelon, treacle
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Bag Weight 60 KG BAG
Harvest Season 2020/21
Status Spot
Lot Number P8001766-4
  • Out of Stock Bag(s)
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About This Coffee

This is a grade 1 natural microlot from Sali Abafogi station in Gera village, Limu district. Sali Abafogi station sits at the exceptionally high altitude of 2,200masl, processing cherries from hundreds of local smallholder farmers. Farmers in this region typically cultivate mixed landrace subvarieties of Ethiopia heirloom on small plots of land around their house. Hence, these plots are colloquially known as 'garden coffee'.

Origin Ethiopia
Subregion Gera, Limu
Harvest Season 2020/21
Producer Type Washing Station
Wet Mill Sali Abafogi
Processing Natural/Dry Processed
Plant Species Arabica
Variety Ethiopia Heirloom
Coffee Grade ETH CA NAT LIMM G1
Screen Size 14 Up
Bag Weight 60 KG BAG
Bag Types Grain Pro / Ecotact

The Region

Sali Abfogi station is situated in the kebele (village) of Limu, a growing region located in Djimmah zone in Western Ethiopia. The region is blessed with plentiful precipitation and altitudes ranging from 1,500 – 2,200 masl. Limu is home to both smallholder farmers and larger coffee farms. As one of the largest producing areas by volume it is also one of the most important to Ethiopia’s coffee industry. Both washed and natural coffee is produced, with the cup profile offering diverse flavours but generally bright citrus acidity with berry and chocolate notes.

The Process

Ripe cherries are delivered to the wetmill for careful sorting and pulping, before fermentation for 36-48 hours, depending on the climactic conditions. After this point the parchment coffee is thoroughly washed and graded by bean density before being dried in the sun on raised African beds for 10-12 days (until the ideal moisture level has been reached). In the daytime the parchment needs to be raked and turned peri- odically to ensure a consistent drying process. The coffee is also covered between 12pm and 3pm to protect it from the hot sun, and at night time to protect it from rainfall and moisture. Once the coffee has dried to the right level it is transported to Addis Ababa for dry-milling, grading, intensive sorting and handpicking, before being bagged in GrainPro for export.


  • Subregion Gera, Limu
  • Producer Type Washing Station
  • Wet Mill Sali Abafogi
  • Processing Natural/Dry Processed
  • Bag Types Grain Pro / Ecotact
  • Plant Species Arabica
  • Variety Ethiopia Heirloom
  • Min Growing Altitude 2200m
  • Screen Size 14 Up
  • On Sale No
  • Top Lot No
  • Price Per Kg £8.50
  • Status Spot
  • Coffee Grade ETH CA NAT LIMM G1
  • CTRM Contract Number P8001766-4
  • Region Limmu
  • Origin Ethiopia
  • Warehouse Vollers Group Uk