El Salvador Finca Las Mercedes Washed
About This Coffee

The Art of Production
The Las Mercedes honey method is a holistic process which accounts for everything from harvest through to dry mill delivery. Before harvest, cherry brix readings are taken and are only harvested above a level of 24, sometimes reaching as high as 28-29. The cherries at this level are a deep red-purple colour. The cherries are de-pulped retaining a high amount of mucilage and then dried on raised beds for 22 days, including both sun and shade, a new method which Fernando is calling ‘Sol-Sambra’ drying.

History of Coffee in El Salvador
Coffee was first introduced to El Salvador from the Caribbean as a garden crop in the mid-18th century but did not gain a commercial production foothold until 1850’s because indigo, easier to grow and more profitable, was king. Coffee was first exported—695 bags—in 1856 and the government began to encourage coffee farming. Exponential growth coincided with the development of synthetic indigo near the end of the century. At one time, El Salvador was one of the largest producers of commercial coffees. Today, with a focus on quality over quantity, 70% of coffee from El Salvador sells for a premium above commodity prices.
- Subregion San Salvador Volcan
- Farm Name Finca Las Mercedes
- Producer Type Single Estate
- Processing Washed
- Bag Types Grain Pro / Ecotact
- Plant Species Arabica
- Variety Bourbon, Pacamara, Pacas, Marsellesa
- Min Growing Altitude 1350m
- Max Growing Altitude 1700m
- Screen Size 15 Up
- On Sale No
- Top Lot No
- Price Per Kg £7.35
- Status Spot
- Coffee Grade SLV CA WA SHG
- CTRM Contract Number P8002399-2
- Origin El Salvador
- Warehouse Vollers Group Uk