D.R. Congo Kavisa K3 FW Organic / AtS+
About This Coffee

The Region
Kavisa village is located in the Isale region of Nord-Kivu (North of Lake Kivu), on the edge of Virunga National Park, bordered by Uganda to the east. The region has excellent conditions for speciality arabica production with plentiful rainfall, high altitude and highly fertile volcanic soils. The region is also very poverty-stricken and has had a severe lack of infrastructure which has made high quality arabica both difficult to produce and very challenging to export. Virunga Coffee Company has sought to overcome many of these problems through hands-on farmer education and investment in local infrastructure such as roads and bridges. This has allowed quality improvements every season and, in turn, higher premiums for farmers.

The Process
Ripe cherries are delivered to the station for careful sorting and floatation. Once the highest quality cherries are selected they are pulped to remove the skin and most of the fruit. The coffee is then placed straight onto raised African beds, retaining some of its sugary mucilage. This parchment coffee is then dried in the sun for an average of 14 days, until the optimum moisture content has been reached. At this point the coffee is rested in a cool, dry environment for 1-2 months, before being milled, sorted and graded by bean size.
- Subregion Kirumba, North Kivu
- Producer Type Small Holder Farmers
- Wet Mill Kavisa
- Processing Washed
- Plant Species Arabica
- Variety Bourbon
- Screen Size 15 Up
- Soil Volcanic
- On Sale No
- Top Lot No
- Price Per Kg £7.75
- Status Spot
- Coffee Grade DRC CA WA KIVU G3
- CTRM Contract Number P8001549-3
- Origin Democratic Republic of Congo
- Warehouse Vollers Group Uk