Costa Rica Finca Casa de Piedra Venecia Anaerobic Natural
About This Coffee

The History of Costa Rican Coffee
Coffee came to Costa Rica as early as 1779 and within 50 years was generating more revenue than any other crop, but by the 1830’s they were growing more coffee than the ships heading south could take. And virtually no infrastructure existed for transporting even a small amount of green coffee to the east coast of Costa Rica (where London was a mere 5,000 miles away). The distribution woes of Costa Rican coffee producers reached the ears of an up-and-coming shipping magnate named William Le Lacheur in 1841 and on Christmas day, 1841 he sailed The Monarch into port at Puntarenas, Costa Rica, and thus began a long and mutually beneficial relationship. On one voyage to London in late in 1843, the Monarch carried more than half a million pounds of Costa Rican coffee.

The Process
The full details of the Finca Monte Alto anaerobic process are a closely guarded family secret. However here is what we do know:
- Cherry selection is paramount. Brix readings are taken to ensure the cherries are harvested at the optimum time.
- The cherries are then pre-dried on cemented patios for 48 hours, prior to fermentation
- Extended cherry fermentation is carried out in plastic tanks without valves.
- Temperature is controlled throughout the fermentation process and Brix is monitored, as well as the aroma and appearance of the pulp.
- After fermentation the cherries are dried on raised beds for an average of 30 days.
- Subregion Tarrazú
- Farm Name Finca Casa de Piedra
- Producer Type Single Estate
- Processing Natural/Dry Processed
- Bag Types Grain Pro / Ecotact
- Plant Species Arabica
- Variety Venecia
- Min Growing Altitude 1500m
- Max Growing Altitude 1800m
- Screen Size 15 Up
- On Sale No
- Top Lot No
- Price Per Kg £15.25
- Status Spot
- Coffee Grade CRI CA WA SHB
- CTRM Contract Number P8002537-2
- Origin Costa Rica
- Warehouse Vollers Group Uk