Tanzania 15+ Mondul Estate Natural

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Bag Weight 60 KG BAG
Harvest Season 2024/25
Status Spot
Lot Number P8002653-5
  • 15 Bag(s)
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About This Coffee

Mondul Estate was established in 1931 and acquired by Burka estates in 2007. The estate is a 211 hectare farm on Mondul Mountain, around 25km from Burka town in the Arusha region of Northern Tanzania. This area is the heart of the Maasai land in Tanzania.

The Estates (Burka-Selian-Mondul) have about 200 permanent staff, and 200 daily causal staff although in the peak of the harvest season, there can be up to 5,000 staff involved in picking and processing. All permanent staff are provided with housing on the Estates (in four different camps), and the minimum salary is set at 20% above the government minimum requirement. Staff have social security and Labour Union membership included in their contracts, and an Estate credit union also offer loans and advice for education, health and house construction.

Origin Tanzania
Subregion Arusha
Harvest Season 2024/25
Producer Type Single Estate
Farm Name Mondul Estate
Processing Natural/Dry Processed
Growing Altitude 1600m - 1800m
Plant Species Arabica
Variety Blue Mountain, Kent, KP423, N39, Red Bourbon
Coffee Grade TZA CA NAT FAQ
Screen Size 15 Up
Bag Weight 60 KG BAG
Bag Types Grain Pro / Ecotact


Dedicated conservationists sit on the Burka Estates board to uphold the legacy of the estates and ecology of the local biome. From the maintenance of Burka Forest and the restoration of Burka Hill, Burka Estate is faithful to its ecological roots.

One of the last and certainly the largest indigenous forests in Arusha, Burka Forest holds the natural spring which first gave Burka its name over 100 years ago. The preservation of these forests has led to a dramatic increase in the diversity and wealth of wildlife in this area. Everything from Dik Diks, to the Madagascar Squacco Heron, to Velvet monkeys, to the last baboon colony in the area; enjoys the protection of Burka’s strict conservation policies, along with over 120 species of bird, attracted by the local flora and natural grassland and forest areas. The Estate trains dedicated wildlife wardens to protect and conserve this wildlife.

The Process

This carbonic maceration process begins with selection harvesting of only "blood red" ripe cherry. Hand sorting is conducted before the cherries enter a closed fermentation vessel - a sealed 1,000l plastic tank with a CO2 trap to vent off gases without allowing air to enter. 

After a 5 day fermentation period, the cherries are dried on raised African beds for up to 3 weeks, or until the cherries have reduced to 12% moisture. The dried cherry is then transported to Moshi for milling and bagging, and then to Dar Es Salaam for export.

Burka has its own cupping lab on site, and samples of each day’s lot from Mondul are cupped and assessed for quality.

  • Subregion Arusha
  • Farm Name Mondul Estate
  • Producer Type Single Estate
  • Processing Natural/Dry Processed
  • Bag Types Grain Pro / Ecotact
  • Plant Species Arabica
  • Variety Blue Mountain, Kent, KP423, N39, Red Bourbon
  • Min Growing Altitude 1600m
  • Max Growing Altitude 1800m
  • Screen Size 15 Up
  • On Sale No
  • Top Lot No
  • Price Per Kg £8.50
  • Status Spot
  • Coffee Grade TZA CA NAT FAQ
  • CTRM Contract Number P8002653-5
  • Origin Tanzania
  • Warehouse Vollers Group Uk